In our modern world, surrounded by technology, there are many electrical items we use on a daily basis. At the push of a button we can have this or that done in a matter of minutes, where before we would have spent much more time and energy doing a simple task, for example microwaving food, or using a blender to chop fruit or vegetables into tiny pieces. While these conveniences are simple and easy to use, there is more going on inside of these devices than any who are not electronically inclined would realize.


Inside these products is a world of complex circuitry, with much assembly required. That’s where electro-mechanical assembly lines come in. The people who put these items together are called electro-mechanical equipment assemblers. They work together, following detailed blueprints, to build and assemble the parts of the product that control the electrical current flow inside the mechanical part of it. This means handling some small, intricate, and often delicate mechanical parts, and very good eyesight, coordination, and focus is necessary.


During some parts of assembly, there many be a requirement for soldering or welding. In these and some other parts of the assembly line the assemblers are required to wear protective gear such as goggles, gloves and earplugs.


Another use of the term electro-mechanical assemblies is for an actual physical item, which can be anything from a control panel box, elevator controls, weapons systems, power supplies, to printed circuit board conveyors and speed sensor controls for subway cars. Basically, these items are mechanical components that are designed to work as a unit to perform some sort of complex electronic function. These usually contain a mix of electrical and mechanical components, a wiring harness that provides pathways for power and signals to be able to flow from one assembly to all other assemblies in the unit.


These can be used in a wide variety of industries, everywhere from military, to law enforcement, traffic safety, all kinds of air and land vehicles, and even down to air conditioning units. They can be found in cars, tanks, and aircraft, in boats, missiles, and the average outdoor electrical signs. There are electro-mechanical assemblies of this kind everywhere, surrounding us in the everyday things we use or depend on. Because of the broad difference in the fields and industries that require this technology, a lot depends not only on the mechanical aspect of the product, but also on the reliability of the product when subjected to different environments. It needs to be able to function properly when out in the heat and sand of a desert military base. In order to meet all standards, these assemblies are put through rigorous environmental and electrical testing.


You’ve seen pictures of computers so huge and lumbering that they took up entire rooms. Now there are things like Smartphones, which are essentially tiny computers that fit in your pocket. It really is amazing how far technology has brought us, and when you think about the relatively short time in which it has progressed at super-speed, it makes you wonder what the future holds. The technology used to make these assemblies is only ever advancing, and the capabilities, size, building processes, and even materials are moving in the direction of progress. The words of the future are cost-effective, reliable, and efficient. The electro-mechanical assemblies of the future promise to be more and more in line with those ideals.


For more information about electro-mechanical assemblies, click here!