The layperson is likely not too familiar with what a lead wire assembly is or what it does. In essence, a lead wire, also known as a hook-up wire, is found in electrical & electronic equipment. The wire connects Point A to Point B, transferring power and/or information. They can be found in everything from automobiles to home appliances. In fact, lead wire assemblies are in just about anything and everything in the world around us.
In any industry that depends on the integrity of electrical connections, dependable lead wire assemblies are operational ‘musts’. There is always an eye out for maximizing efficient use of power. Furthermore, supplying poor to average power to high-dollar equipment can have a devastating impact on operating expenditures.
But what exactly goes into lead wire assembly on the manufacturing side? For company leaders looking to get the most out of the physical capital in their facilities, ALL things related to lead wire assembly are of consequence. This, of course, means understanding how a lead wire assembly is made. Here is a basic guide:


Firs things first, hammering out specs is perhaps the most important element in a successful manufacturing partnership. Some specs worth noting include determining wire gauge, overall length, crimping style on ends, terminator style, and labeling.

Durability & Standards

Lead wire assemblies are a connection between two components. This means that there may be tension present. If the lead wire assembly cannot handle the stress of this tension, the connection will be broken. Manufacturers of note adhere to the UL 486 pull test standards to make sure they deliver a quality product.

Finished Product in Hand

Depending on the manufacturer chosen, lead time for an order can be as long as a few weeks. Delivery can further complicate a specific timeline if the manufacturer does not have a strategically close facility that is capable of producing quality materials closer to clients, thereby reducing wait time compared to competitors.
Other important elements in lead wire assembly include a determination of conductor material, type of wire, type of insulation, and whether or not jacketing may be necessary. Knowing the type of application and the environment within which the lead wire assembly will be housed plays a critical role in getting the job done right.
Admittedly, though, one of the most important steps in lead wire assembly manufacturing has to do with available budget. Because lead wire assemblies can delve into the world of customization, price for materials can make a final product vary from client to client. It is here that prospective manufacturing partners differentiate themselves.
While many manufacturers may opt to simply sell a lead wire assembly that should work well enough, the best manufacturers take the time to understand what the client needs and the best way to meet goals BASED on available budget. The design & engineering teams for the premier manufacturers are well-equipped to understand client needs, make assessments, and determine the best course of action for a client’s current project. More importantly, premier manufacturers do their best to create a plan that addresses possible needs for the client in the future.
Do not trust your lead wire assembly needs to just anyone. LoDan Electronics, Inc. has been a leader in interconnect solutions since 1967. Contact our team today for more information on how we can help you meet & exceed your goals.