A Quick Overview of the Function of an Electrical Wire Harness
The world of custom cable assemblies is multifaceted and sometimes complicated. The electrical wire harness, however, somewhat simplifies the process of cable assembly and installation. If you require the use of cables in any form, whether it be for your industrial business, professional life or personal use, you should take a look at the structure of the harness. Utilizing these components in their proper capacities can save you both time and money.
Almost every electrical application or machine requires the use of cables and wires. Harnesses come into play when there are many wires (or cables). The harness frames and directs the cables and includes all equipment necessary to maintain the cables, including clips, routers, and connectors. The most common example of this includes any type of motorized machinery, like cars, airplanes, and industrial machines. All require the use of wire harnesses.
If you were to lay out, end to end, every wire and cable necessary for the construction of an automobile, you would find that the wires stretch for miles. This is impractical and impossible to manufacture. Hence, the harnesses. Electrical wire harnesses bundle certain cables together, keeping them organized and secure.
Securing the pieces of transmission and communication is not only convenient, but it is also smart. Harnesses protect equipment from damage. This is especially important for machinery that operates in harsher environmental conditions, like the heat. The biggest issue facing cables in machinery is the vibration effect. With mobile machinery, loose wires would experience damage and relocation. With clips and ties keeping the wires secure, there is no need to worry about a dislodged piece. Humidity, heat, and exposure to salt-water are also harsher conditions the harness protects against.
Easier Installation Process
Aside from anchoring the mechanical construction, electrical wire harnesses allow for much easier installation. Because certain wires come bundled together, it is much easier to place the structure within the equipment. The ease of installation generally frees up both time and money on the part of the owner. Additionally, the bundle saves space and constricts the wires, decreasing the risk of an electrical short.
When searching for a customized electrical wire harness, you should bring as much information regarding the application in which you will install the bound cables. Blueprints, pictures and descriptions are helpful. The more specific your plans, the more details a company will have to (successfully) complete your order.
Looking to customize your own electrical wire harness? Contact LoDanElectronics.com today for more information!