Understanding the best way to go about ordering materials for a job such as cable assemblies seems easy enough until to realize one thing — what do you know & not know about them. Ultimately, those in certain industries that rely on cable assemblies understand what they are used for and what they can offer. But for those purchasing agents & others who are fairly new to the world of cable assemblies, this is a whole new ballgame. It is important to note that with that said, there are still elements of cable assembly manufacturing that should be more well-known but are quite the mystery.
In order to best start off on the right foot, it might be best to define what a cable assembly is. If you’ve ever wrangled with this question before, then you know this is no easy task. Reason? It all depends on who is answering the question. While efforts have been made across industries to get the nomenclature standardized, it can get a little confusing. So, as a baseline definition, cable assembly is a collection of several cables& wires and connectors into a single unit. The use of cable assemblies can vary, but more often than not, they are used to save space while being efficient in performing a task such as data transmission.
Truth be told, this is all pretty well-known stuff, but is there anything that the casual person working with cable assemblies for the first time might need to know in order to not make errors in what they order for a job?
Here are some things you should know about cable assemblies but may not have top of mind:
Function is Key But So Is Physical Condition — It can be really easy to get caught up designing a killer cable assembly that functions in just the right way. Did you plan for the environment it will be in? How well can it tolerate vibrations? Extreme heat/cold? Failing to think of the physical durability of your materials will undermine any efforts you’ve made in their performance.
Easy Installation Involves Planning — Cable assemblies make for easy installation of important pieces during construction, but you’ve got to plan them out from the start. Trying to retrofit & cross-reference something after the fact makes for a longer build & higher costs.
Industry Dictates Build — Every industry a cable assembly is made for has domestic and/or international standards that have to be met by a final product. What works in one industry won’t just “plug and play” into another.
Customization May Be The Key for Max Efficiency — Don’t just assume getting a cable assembly “off the shelf” will take care of things. If your project has specific applications to be addressed, customization may be necessary to get the best performance.
Options Beyond The Assemblies — The best manufacturers of cable assemblies offer more than just those services. Wire harnesses, mast cable assemblies, and a slew of other services can come with making the right connection & can make for a cost-effective business relationship that saves time.
The world of cable assemblies can get complicated as soon as the build for which they are needed gets complex. This is why it is vital for anyone ordering these types of assemblies to work with a manufacturer that’s on their ‘A’ game. There are a lot of players in cable assembly manufacturing, but few can offer: 1) experience; 2) multiple industries served; 3) a wide range of capabilities; and 4) a track record of excellence over the course of decades. The right manufacturer will be able to guide you from design through the delivery process while also keeping an eye out on innovation for the future.
Learn all about cable assemblies from LoDan Electronics, Inc., a multi-industry leader in custom interconnect solutions since 1967.