There comes a time in any industry when leadership must assess what changes/improvements are wanted versus those that are needed. Case in point: custom signal assemblies. In an industrial or mechanical setting, just about every piece of equipment has some form of signal assembly indicative of something specific to the function. What’s more, when a company is in the business of creating products with certain functions, customizing one’s signal assemblies make for an opportunity to have the product stand out.
But as with most things, there is a distinct difference between a need and a want. More importantly, in manufacturing, wants aren’t just something that can be instituted in a willy-nilly manner. Production lines, advertising & marketing materials, product manuals, and personnel training are all impacted in major ways when a change takes place. However, there are times when a need supersedes the initial stir that can will come with making a change of some kind. In terms of signal assemblies, it’s important to consider the following:
Specialized Equipment
Dealing with equipment that performs certain functions means that just about everything on the equipment is customized to some extent. Different industries rely on visual cues due, in part, to noisy environments. As such, custom signal assemblies are ideal in order to get across these specific cues. Not only are the assemblies customized, but it is likely that the cue itself is specific to the industry. Therefore, in order for the cue to operate optimally, the right kind of electronics are needed.
Complex Lighting
Cable assemblies and wire harnesses of all kinds are not just a random jumble. Each component does something. When a client is in need of a signal assembly to operate a complex lighting system, there’s a lot to take into account. The type of power being tapped, the number, and type, of lights being used, and whether or not the lighting structure needs to be mobile or adjustable in some way.
Current Set-Up Coming Up Short
It is important to note that “off-the-shelf” components can, and often, do the job being asked of them. Usually, this option is used due to a budgetary constraint. However, if the current signal assembly functionality is not at its most optimal, one has to wonder whether or not original savings may be negated due to poor/non-efficient electrical consumption.
Prepping for the Future
It’s no secret that most companies would like to be successful enough to contemplate expansion. This would certainly include some level of automation. Current signal assemblies might be operating well enough, but new technology and integration of automated systems (think IoT, or internet of things, for example) may require better operation. Some proactive preparation for these changes might be of great benefit.
Changing Laws and Standards
Few things will get companies and individuals taking care of things like changes in regulatory standard & the law. Two of the most common reasons laws & standards related to industries change is because: 1) there was a breakdown of standard enough that someone was seriously injured or worse; and 2) there was a transfer of power in local, state, and/or federal administrations.
And when it is all said & done, custom signal assemblies, as with most other physical components, may be required due to overall changes in an industry. Pushes for more green initiatives, cycling of personnel, and continual assessment of effectiveness all make for periods in which an array of industries all must consider what they need to do to stay relevant.
Can custom signal assemblies from Chicago make things easier halfway around the world? LoDan Electronics, Inc. has been answering that call since 1967. See what they can do for you today.