As the name would indicate, custom cable assemblies are requested by a company whose needs are very specific and whose applications warrant particular attention to details that cannot be satisfied with something right off the shelf. Moreover, as a company finds success, it wants to build on it, and that means investing for the future. Custom cable assemblies currently in use by a company may actually be doing their job, but there is always room for improvement.
But where does one start? It seems like an odd question to ask, especially for an established company where ordering custom materials is old hat. Still, even with well-established protocols, it is always important to see where things could be made better.
As such, here’s a basic breakdown of the custom cable assembly assessment:
Specifications — The process of acquiring custom materials always starts with hammering out specs. These physical measurements ensure that what you’re ordering actually fits where it is supposed to. More importantly, it will give you an opportunity to assess if there’s a need to make beneficial adjustments.
Application — It’s important to know the application for which a custom cable assembly will be used. This gives information as to what type of data needs to be transmitted, the speed at which said transmission ideally moves, and whether there are any hiccups with the current set-up that need to be addressed.
Environmental Factors — Will your cable assemblies be in extreme heat? Cold? Are there a lot of airborne particulates in your facility? This information will dictate what appropriate materials should go into the manufacturing of the assemblies.
One thing that is absolutely critical to plan for when designing custom cable assemblies is expected updating and replacement. Technology moves a mile a minute, and with such a break-neck pace, companies have to try & stay ahead. Clearly, this has to do with staying one step ahead of the competition, but it also has to do with saving money. If a company is replacing items in their infrastructure on a regular basis, they are accruing a significant expense that could ultimately be passed on to the customer.
The ideal solution would be to work with a manufacturing partner that can not only help you with the initial planning stages but can also give you insight into the right materials & technological changes your current project should keep in mind. This proactive process will not only save you money in the long-run, but goes a long way to showing prospective clients that you’re ready for the future.
Click here to learn more about how over five decades of experience can set the standard for custom cable assemblies across multiple industries.