5 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Custom Coaxial Cable Assembly
Working in a technical field ensures that you have probably encountered a coaxial cable assembly, even if you did not recognize it at the time. These tubular formations consist of a transmitting wire, a layer of insulation and a protective, outer shield. Even though these cables share a basic format, the assemblies are as varied and different as they come. The differences in these coaxial structures exist because of the varied environments in which these cables are utilized. If you are searching for a company to customize your cable needs, then take a look at the following to guide you in your search:
Consider Function
This may seem obvious, but it is worth stating again. When you first begin your search for a cable assembly, always ask yourself what the specific function of the cable will be. The function will affect your need for a specific type of signal transmission and will identify the protection you will need for your wire. If the cable is to remain relatively stationary in a climate-controlled house, then you will probably want to focus on efficient transmission, as opposed to physical stability of the wire.
Do you need a strong transmission?
Depending upon your application, you may need a strong transmission signal. If you do, consider the actual durability of the wire itself and the material comprising the outer layers. Copper works well for higher signals, but it can be expensive. Braided shields help tremendously to carry a signal, and they are a safe bet. Lower signals can save you money as the material required of the cable assembly will not be quite as complex. It matters whether you realize the strength required for your transmission, so feel free to call a trusted company if you have any questions.
Will your cable encounter a humid environment?
Never discount the humidity in an area, especially if you live in a place that has a lot of rain or bodies of water nearby. Humidity can destroy a coaxial cable if the manufacturing process does not compensate for the anticipated damage of high-moisture areas. To remedy this issue, find a strong “jacket” to protect the integrity of the cable.
Evaluate your outer shield.
Again, the outer shield, or jacket, plays a very significant part in the protections of the cable itself. Braided shields are generally durable and somewhat flexible. Copper finishings are great for transmitting signal and very flexible, but quite pricey.
Request connectors.
This is an obvious statement, but it can be overlooked quite often. Ensure that you leave the customization facility with appropriate connectors. These are vital as they bind the cable assembly structures, allowing them to remain in a fixed position.
Taking a look to make your own custom cable assembly? Contact LoDanElectronics.com today for more information!