The introduction of ultrasonic welding (USW) has allowed premier manufacturers to revolutionize the way components are put together. Industries such as automotive, medical, and appliance manufacturing have all been able to utilize ultrasonic welding to great acclaim.
But a pressing question arises regarding the use of ultrasonic welding versus traditional welding techniques — what makes ultrasonic welding worth using?
Getting To Know Ultrasonic Welding
It is important to understand what USW is and why it is being adopted by more manufacturing facilities all over the world. USW uses ultrasonic energy at particular frequencies to cause precise vibrations. These vibrations lead to the generation of heat, thereby allowing a joint to be welded. This is a vast difference to more traditional welding techniques that can be quite dangerous and require a slew of safety gear to help avoid injury.
As demand for products by consumers has increased at a seemingly exponential pace, the need for manufacturing to keep up has never been greater. USW is being used more as it is a faster welding option. More often than not, weld times can take a few seconds at the LONGEST. Furthermore, due to the precision that can be achieved at this speed, USW ends up being an ideal option for facilities looking to expand automation.
Possible Disadvantages
Some critics of USW have been vocal in their belief that because of the lack of certain materials being used in the weld, the connection/joint that results is of lesser quality. In actuality, a solid, clean bond is the result. Traditional welding techniques have to be monitored so that solder & adhesive material is not corrupted by outside agents. Moreover, traditional welds can require clean-up or can cause deformation, resulting in the need for manual touch-up work that can possibly compromise the resulting joint if not done properly.
No discussion of manufacturing processes is complete without acknowledging the role of personnel safety. Is ultrasonic welding safe? USW is a highly-precise technique that creates a particular level of heat needed for a weld to take place. With the added benefit of USW automation, there is less need for personnel to be directly involved, keeping folks safer in the process.
One thing that makes ultrasonic welding such a welcome addition to small- & large-scale manufacturing is its flexibility in terms of parts & materials for which it can be used. This means that clients from a variety of industries can be served well through precise & dependable build quality.
But before a facility can fully transition to a ultrasonic welding operation, facility management should be mindful of the following:
Embracing New Technology
Even if a company isn’t integrating ultrasonic welding themselves, their manufacturing partners may be heavily investing in the technology. How will this affect final products? What will change in terms of the latest versions of components? In truth, it means asking a lot more questions. This is where having the right manufacturing partner pays off. As projects come along, manufacturers are more likely to find ways to streamline processes like using ultrasonic welding. However, the best partners will discuss the pros & cons as it pertains to a project, making a decision as to whether or not it is the right way to go.
Utilizing ultrasonic welding in Chicago is just one of the many ways LoDan Electronics, Inc. has remained at the top of our game since 1967. Touch base with us today & let us help you find the right solutions for your next project.