Manufacturing large-scale materials that will become high-dollar capital in a facility can often overshadow the importance of the small parts that make it all happen. Case in point — the lead wire assembly. Sometimes referred to as a hook-up wire, the basic premise of a lead wire assembly is that it serves as a simple way to connect components and transfer electric current. This task, while basic in nature, allows a variety of electromechanical operations to take place with ease, precision, and efficiency. As such, if there is a problem with the lead wire assembly, there is an adverse impact on the productivity of the facility.
A major first step in the lead wire assembly process is identifying the location of the problem. For larger operations, this may not be too problematic as it may not impact the flow of the facility in any way. However, for smaller facilities, a lead wire that is out of place can be a real nuisance.
Once the issue is discovered, personnel should make note of a number of key details:
presence of moisture, dust, or other corrosive matter
These details are not serving as a preemptive diagnosis for what may have caused the failure of the lead wire assembly. Rather, it is a way of providing valuable specifications to a lead wire assembly manufacturer that are often neglected.
Once a manufacturing partner has been chosen, the client/customer and the manufacturer must work together in order to ensure the final product(s) delivered meets and/or exceeds expectations. This starts with detailing information like the following:
Standards — Many companies these days have expanded operations to meet an international demand. Working with clients in different parts of the world means having products that can meet standards across major hubs like Europe and North America. So, if a lead wire assembly must carry UL, CSA, and CE certifications, manufacturers need to know from the start so as to build accordingly.
Type of Insulation — Insulation on a wire refers to the material on its outside. How a lead wire assembly is covered can vary based purely on where it will go when used. PVC is a pretty common insulation.
Solid Core or Stranded — There are also choices to be made in terms of the type of wire construction. Each type has its pros & cons, and may be determined by the way the connections will take place. Furthermore, the make-up of the wire can also vary based on client/customer needs.
Wire Gauge — There are a dizzying array of wire gauges from which to choose. While thicker gauges provide strength, they will soon lose their ability to be as flexible as necessary. On the other hand, flexible wire can handle many tasks with no issue at all. However, physically overtaxing it can lead to premature failure.
It is important to point out that at this juncture, all that has been done for laying out the lead wire assembly process is finding the problem wire(s) and hammering out specs. The most important part of the process has yet to take place — finding the ideal manufacturer. Here at LoDan Electronics, Inc. of Illinois, we understand that even a small part, like a lead wire assembly, matters. We’re dedicated to making sure your business’s needs are met & that you are satisfied with our work.
From lead wire assembly work to competitive global manufacturing of highly-complex interconnect systems & electronic assemblies, LoDan Electronics, Inc. has been a trusted name since 1967. Call and talk to one of our technical specialists today.