Custom signal assemblies are of great consequence to a number of companies across a wide array of industries. While the term ‘custom’ may indicate a significant level narrowly-focused functionality per unit, the fact remains that each assembly operates in much the same way. It is for this reason that finding the RIGHT custom signal assembly can be somewhat difficult.
Industries, in particular those that are quite specialized (e.g., aerospace, medical, military), often utilize equipment that is customized by default. Environments in these facilities can sometimes be quite noisy & may make communication between team members quite difficult. Custom signal assemblies are ideal so as to get specific operating cues relayed. What’s more, noticeable depth of customization is required as the cues may be specific to the industry.
Cable assemblies are not just a random jumble of components. Each part does something specific, even if the specificity is related to the physical assembly itself. When a client is in need of a signal assembly a part of a complex lighting system, there’s a lot to take into account:
One key element to starting the search for better custom signal assemblies is to assess the efficiency of one’s current operation. There may not be anything that is necessarily ‘wrong’ or not working. But is the overall output where it needs to be? It is also important to get feedback on the state of things, if you will, from all members of the team. This includes those that work closest with the equipment being assessed. What is the difficulty level associated with a current set-up?
Assessing a budget is also important when considering a custom order of any kind. “Off-the-shelf” components can, and often, do the job that is asked of them. Going this route can be quite cost-effective. However, if the current signal assembly operation is not optimal, it does bear asking an important question — are the original savings had by going the “off-the-shelf” route being negated due to poor/non-efficient electrical consumption?
Taking on a major project to improve the overall efficiency of an operation means thinking about optimization now & further down the road. This starts with weighing the pros & cons of retrofitting one’s current set-up versus a full replacement of components. Each has its own upfront costs to be considered, but knowing how each plays out in the face of industry changes is not as simple.
It’s no secret that most companies would like to be successful enough to contemplate expansion. Current signal assemblies might be operating well enough, but new technology and integration of automated systems (think IoT, or internet of things, for example) may require better operation. Some proactive preparation for these changes might be of great benefit.
It is also important to take into consideration anticipated changes in regulatory standards & legislation pertinent to the industry. Changes on these areas likely stem from: 1) a breakdown of standard enough that someone was seriously injured or worse; and 2) a transfer of power in local, state, and/or federal administrations. Furthermore, pushes for more green initiatives, normal turnover of personnel, and continual assessment of effectiveness all make for periods in which an array of industries must consider what they need to do to stay relevant. As one might imagine, none of these is easy to predict or plan around.
At the end of the day, finding the RIGHT custom signal assemblies will come down to finding the ideal manufacturer/supplier. The best fit will be a company that has extensive experience, a tremendous design & engineering department, and is willing to sit down with the client to arrive at the ideal solution for the specific job.
Trust your custom signal assemblies to LoDan Electronics, Inc. in Chicago. Five decades of quality & dedication are what make us a go-to name. Call us today.