The determination of materials needed on a job site is a task that is not to be taken lightly, especially when said job involves sensitive equipment and personnel. In the case of major electrical repairs, retrofits, and replacements, decisions about whether there is a need to use particular kinds of braided cables will inevitably come into the mix simply because of the benefit they bring to the table.
But what steps are involved when deciding which braided cables are best for the job at hand? Perhaps the biggest drawback critics of braided cables will bring up is the higher upfront cost when compared to the non-braided/traditional cabling available. Why invest more in a product that will ultimately do the same thing that another less expensive item will do? Truth be told, budget is always top of mind when it comes to the industrial job site. Anytime there is a need for upgrades, retrofits, and repairs, making these necessary changes within an allotted budget is always welcome, especially if it can be done on the ‘cheaper’ end.
However, in the world of industrial materials, there are fewer mantras truer than, “You get what you pay for.” Yes, there may be a slightly higher investment in braided cables, but the quality is top-tier. They are made of high-quality materials specified by the client and are optimized to excel in their function and purpose. Even when the cables are not custom orders, the cables operate as customized items specific in their duty to the project.
In determining the right braided cable for your next project, it is important to know the following:
The greatest determining factor in choosing the right braided cables is knowing the application for which they will be used. This means understanding the ins & outs of the environment, as well as the purpose of the machinery the cables are for. Peace of mind can be had for the end user as braided cables can be used in a number of applications. Industries such as the military, heavy construction, transportation, and power generation all utilize braided cables in one form or another as each has its own set of stresses the cables are able to maneuver quite well.
The biggest key to finding the best braided cables for one’s next project is having confidence in the manufacturer. LoDan Electronics, Inc. in Chicago has been a leader in quality, cost-effective interconnect solutions since 1967. Click here to learn more about how our experienced team can make your braided cables the best they can be.