5 Custom Cable Manufacturing FAQs for First Timers
When most people look at the inside of an electronic device, they simply see a spaghetti mess of colorful wires, cables, and circuit boards. However, as any professional electronics technician can tell you, there are a few basic principles that govern all of electronics technology. In fact, many products exist simply to make electronics more simple. One such industry that does exactly that is custom cable manufacturing. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions for first time cable manufacturers.
1. What is Custom Cable?
In order for electronics to work, there needs to be a certain order in terms of how electrical signals are processed. As you go from a simple electric current, to building a whole circuit, and then to a system that is capable of performing complex work, cable assemblies and wire harnesses keep them all in place, allowing the free flow of power and signals to every part of the system. These products allow people with no electrical wiring experience to quickly install and configure wiring with ease.
2. Where are Custom Cable Assemblies Used?
One of the most common places where you can find a cable assembly is under the hood of your car, snaking about the engine compartment. However, cable assemblies are used in nearly every industry and type of machinery imaginable. From planes, trains, and automobiles, to spacecraft, to medical equipment and machinery. The military uses cable assemblies in their most remote outposts, and television networks use them to record and present the news each day.
3. How is a Cable Assembly Made?
Although technology advancements have led to significantly more automation in nearly every field, most cable assemblies are still built by hand, simply due to the complex nature of the process. The human hand can perform some functions more precisely, and are capable of creating customized wiring options that most machines cannot replicate.
4. What are the Parts of an Assembly?
A cable consists of roughly four parts. The core of the wire is the conductile material that transmits electrical signals, and is typically made of copper. Next, the insulating material keeps the wire from becoming too hot, and eliminates a lot of signal noise. Shielding is a foil like material wrapped around the insulation that greatly reduces signal loss and noise. Finally, jacketing is the material that protects the cable from environmental threats like water, aridity, extreme temperatures.
5. Can You Buy Assemblies?
It is possible to buy cable harnesses and assemblies at most electronics goods retailers. Typically there are standard wiring options designed for specific applications. For instance, a car stereo harness will generally perform the same function no matter where you buy it.
If you are in need of something more complex than what you can buy at your local electronics shop, consider talking to a professional about ordering a custom cable assembly for your next project!