5 Key Types of Custom Cable Assemblies

When you are choosing a company to create cable assemblies for your business or personal use, you will want to be as knowledgeable as possible regarding the different options. It is important to be able to communicate your needs with the company’s representative. Knowing the differences between cable assemblies can help you vocalize exactly which cable system you need. Take a look at some common assemblies:

Rigid Cable Assemblies (RF)

Back in the late 1800s, an English engineer named Oliver Heaviside fashioned and manufactured a cable now known as a coaxial cable. A coaxial cable is comprised of an inner conductor surrounded by a layer of insulation. A final outer shield encases the wire. In an RF custom cable assembly, the coaxial cable is connected to other cables with fixed connectors. These rigid assemblies are inflexible and remain fixed into position. These are generally used for big productions.

Semi-Rigid and Flexible Cables

Just like a rigid cable system is made of coaxial cables, so are semi-rigid and flexible cables. These systems, however, are more malleable in terms of assembly. In other words, the cables are shielded with a material that can bend and still protect the inner wire. Connectors also allow the cables to bend to different angles. Flexible cables are custom cable assemblies that can be shaped and placed in customized spaces. These assemblies are for light power applications.

Multi-Conductor Cable Assembly

When an application, like a robot or sound system, requires the use of multiple wires, manufacturers will often utilize a multi-conductor cable assembly. This composition includes a structure of many wires, color-coded and individually encapsulated with insulators. The color-coded jackets aid in the installation process, while all wires are contained in one protective shield.

Ribbon Cable

When conducting wires run parallel to each other in one unit, this is known as a ribbon cable. Flat and wide, these assemblies are used primarily in computers and similar technology applications. The wires are encased with different color insulators to denote function: hence, the term “ribbon” or “rainbow” cable.

Mast Cables

You have probably seen the tall antennas comprised of cables. These are known as mast assemblies and are generally manufactured for transmitting electrical signals. For instance, cameras, microphones and other communication cables require the use of mast-type assemblies. Masts also provide electrical power and should be able to withstand different weather environments.

Interested in creating a custom cable assembly today? Check out LoDanElectronics.com for more information!